Preserving Perfection for Perishable Cargo!

Discover the ultimate solution for shipping perishable, chilled, or frozen cargo with Reefer Containers from Dueñas Trailers. Engineered to perfection, our refrigerated containers combine the versatility of general-purpose units with the cutting-edge technology of built-in refrigeration systems. These containers ensure that your valuable perishable goods remain impeccably fresh throughout their journey. With precise temperature control and advanced insulation, our Reefer Containers guarantee optimal conditions for a wide range of sensitive products, from fresh produce to pharmaceuticals. Trust in Dueñas Trailers to deliver uncompromised quality and reliability, providing peace of mind as your goods traverse the globe. Experience the perfect blend of functionality and preservation with Reefer Containers by Dueñas Trailers—where excellence meets refrigeration!


  • Refrigerated containers are ideal for shipping perishable, chilled or frozen cargo.
  • General purpose containers which have a built in refrigeration unit to keep perishable goods cold or frozen.


  • As well as keeping goods cool, these containers are often used to keep goods from freezing in harsh climates.
  • Reefers maintain cargo between a wide range of temperatures.
  • Fully water resistant.